I knew I wanted to work with fabric and metal, but I was pretty much undecided on what I wanted to do until the day before the project was due. I made a trip to the block on Bond St. And found a square loom for $3 and a bag of fabric loops for $5 and I got really excited about that. I bought it no thinking I would use it for this class (mainly for my own enjoyment) but ended up using it for this anyways. I also found some cool bendable metals to work with and just messed around to see what I would come up with.




I ended up making a desktop waste basket out of what are essentially pot holders and reinforced/lined them with metal wire.

IMG_8197 (1).png

To make each square I'd line up the loops vertically from end to end, then I'd rotate the loom and work in the opposite direction, making an over-under repeated pattern that ultimately formed each square

I used the loom to make 5 squares and then I tied them together with embroidery floss. I tried looming them together without any outside string but it got ugly. Then I just weaved wire between the weaved squares to give it structure.




If I could do this project again, I'd think about it more so I would spend less money. I bought things I didn't even end up using. (I will at some point but whatever)