Assignment 01: Flashlight

I made a flashlight inside Peppermint Butler's bowtie. I chose peppermint butler because I've been binge-watching Adventure Time recently and it was also my favorite cartoon growing up.

For the casing, I made circular and rectangular cutouts with scrap cardboard I found on the shelf in the shop. I didn't really measure anything, I eyeballed it all. I knew I'd be making a cylindrical shape for Peppermint Butler's body which also had to be relatively rigid because it would house the battery and the rest of the circuit that was a little flakey. Before glueing the pieces together, I cut little slits ~every 3/4 inch in the rectangular pieces of cardboard parallel to the shorter edges. This was so the cardboard would be able to fit more snugly around the circular bases when glued.

Hot glueing went pretty quickly. I decided I wanted the battery to be boxed in so it wouldn't shift around a lot so I used more cardboard parallel to the battery inside the cylinder and another piece on the other side of the battery to wrap over the side and top of the battery like a belt. I also used a piece of plastic that probably used to be a door to a calculator or something and had Aite snap it in half so I could use it as extra support in this battery partition.

Once I was done with that I covered the open cylinder with the other circle cutout and bent it in half so I'd have access to the inside in case the wires were being flaky. I hot glued it together then covered the whole thing in the roll paper that is on the tables in the fab lab. I used Mod Podge to adhere it to the cardboard then once it was dry, I painted on Peppermint Butler's body with the paints and did final touches and facial features with sharpie.

Materials I used:

Tools I used: